
The Kenya Diaspora Map

Diaspora Map

NEW!   Blockchain Voting App - beta

BlockchainThe technology behind crypto-currency, prevents voter ballot tampering and creates a transparent and decentralized voting process.

  • all_inclusivePrivacy & Security
    Your ballot becomes a new link in a chain of ballots. Blockchain ballots are encoded with the National Security Agency SHA algorithm. SHA encoding is made to detect tampering of data.
  • publicVoter Confidence
    While maintaining voter privacy, ballots can be counted and validated. A real-time PDF ballot log is available to voters for downloading.
  • wcIncreased Youth Voting
    Accounting for over half the population, young voters are more likely to use an App to vote rather than go to the polls.
  • format_list_numberedBlockchain Diagram
    • Blockchain of Ballots

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